Common Fall Season Injuries blog - WellNow Urgent Care

The Most Common Fall Season Injuries That Could Land You at Urgent Care

October 26, 2022

The Most Common Fall Season Injuries That Could Land You at Urgent Care

With beautiful and crisp fall season days under way, many people are squeezing in as much outdoor activity, yard work and home repairs as they can before temperatures drop drastically across the country.

Unfortunately, some of these activities can result in injuries. The good news, however, is that most non-life-threatening injuries can be treated at urgent care, saving you a costly and time-consuming trip to the emergency room. Below are some of the most common fall injuries typically seen and treated at WellNow Urgent Care:

Bee and wasp stings – If you’ve noticed that bees and wasps seem more aggressive in the fall, that’s because their life cycle is coming to an end and it’s harder for them to find resources and food. If you’re outdoors during this time, it’s important to be extra careful, and if you or a loved one is stung, be sure to monitor any resulting symptoms. A sting can cause reactions ranging from mild discomfort to severe anaphylaxis. If you are unsure if you are allergic or start to experience symptoms beyond mild irritation at the site, it is very important to get checked out.

Sprains, strains and broken bones – Autumn is the perfect time to winterize the garden, rake or make end-of-season updates to your house. Unfortunately, repetitive movements such as lifting, twisting and bending, or accidental trips and falls, can lead to strains and sprains. And while sometimes a little ice does the trick for a pulled muscle, for more serious pain or a suspected break or fracture, it’sa good idea to get an x-ray.

Poisonous plants – Many people don’t realize that poison ivy and poison oak can still pose a threat after the summer months. Both plants change color in the fall and can be quite beautiful to look at – so be careful! Even after they lose their leaves, the stems and bushes can still cause a reaction if they come into contact with your skin. Exposure to poison ivy and poison oak can cause itchy, uncomfortable rashes that often require medical assistance to treat.

Cuts and lacerations – Accidents can easily happen when working on home or outdoor projects, and cuts and lacerations are not only extremely painful, but can also result in an infection if not properly treated. Sutures or other treatment may be needed for deeper cuts, injuries that don’t stop bleeding on their own, or wounds that have a high risk of infection due to the presence of dirt or rust.

Heat stroke and dehydration – Even though the heat waves of summer are behind us, it is still possible to suffer from heat-related injuries. Heat stroke can occur when you are overheated, often when you participate in a strenuous or physically intense activity. Dehydration can be potentially life threatening – especially for young children and the elderly. Symptoms for both range from dizziness, diarrhea, muscle spasms and even shock. Even in cooler months it is still important to stay hydrated and protect yourself from the sun when spending time outside.

Burns – Campfires and bonfires are a fall favorite! But fires are finicky and can quickly lead to injuries such as burns, eye irritation, and more. If you plan to build a fire, make sure the weather isn’t too windy; use only non-treated timber (no furniture pieces or plastics); and have water and a fire extinguisher on standby. Make sure the fire is completely extinguished when you’re finished. If you burn or injure yourself, it’s important to treat the injury quickly to prevent infection and seek medical help for additional support.

Fall season is certainly a wonderful time of year to enjoy the outdoors, wear cozy clothes, see beautiful colors, and appreciate friends and family. So, stay safe and take the necessary precautions to avoid injury. If the unexpected does happen, visit your nearest WellNow location or start a virtual visit.