If you’re feeling unwell, a medical provider may order a test to better determine the source of your discomfort.
Our respiratory panels can test for illnesses such as:
Strep throat
Influenza (the flu)
Whopping Cough
PCR testing for a UTI will help a medical provider better understand the source of your infection, giving them the tools they need to determine the medication and care best for you.
If you’re experiencing stomach pain, our providers can run a lab test to determine the cause, including:
Foodborne illness
Gastroenteritis (“stomach flu”)
We offer a variety of tests based on you and your symptoms to detect sexually transmitted infections (STD/STIs). Some of the most common tests we offer are for:
HSV-1 & HSV-2
Hepatitis B & Hepatitis C
Together, we can help keep your employees healthy, safe and compliant. We provide pre-employment, post-accident, reasonable suspicion and random drug and alcohol testing, as well as OSHA testing related to worksite safety.
While treating the symptoms associated with abrasions, rashes and surface-level wounds can offer relief, a medical provider may order a test to ensure you receive proper treatment for any infections that may be present.